Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Theme Dressing

Before I start this post I just need us to look real quick at this dress.
Yes, I wore this. Why? because I am def. a theme dresser, my theme is-and always has been trendy without the creativity and money to really know how to look good and way to much of a risk taker. This leaves you and your sister constantly looking back on your outfits laughing..that has nothing to do with this post but really just had to show this!

Onto Theme Dressing:
So there have been many women I have been blessed to watch and be challenged by in my years as a momma. Most of the time I leave each of them consistently feeling less than capable of this thing called being a godly woman. I know part of the reason is because I am really drawn to those who are very diff. from me, leaving them always equating diff. with better.

The other reason is because these women actually are a lot more capable than me and have learned to live within their strengths and let Christ use those areas for His glory. So last night after taking the strengths finder test I was left again with a nagging feeling that I would make a great cult leader or perhaps high school cheerleader but godly mom/wife, maybe not so much. I had a full on cheerleader like break down with J after getting my strengths test back and making a vulgar joke about it saying I was sexy and him looking at me like he should with eyes that said, um...not cute. So after the breakdown this is the starting point of conclusions I came to.

The book works under the premis that there are only 130 some people in the world with your top 5 strengths and your weaknesses can be improved on but never as much as your top God given strengths so you should spend more time on your strengths.

My top 5 strengths were: Wooing, Communicating, Including, Positivity and Activating
Here is my new post-fit processing.

A of all, like all people these qualities REALLY suck and actually can be very deathly without Christ.

B of all with Him I best be start telling people about Him, because I know all people are made to be disciples and share Him but please its kinda my gift that I can either spend my life being a church greeter or I can tell some people about the greatest story.

C of all I need to find a woman mentor that can recognize these things and not make me leave her feeling like I am not an accountant, I want to be an accountant, a confrontational accountant, I am of no use..

D and most important- I better start doing these things and Theme Dressing each morning, I mean I have the attire apparently!
Wooing my husband.
Communicating openly & effectively about Jesus to my children.
Positively speaking encouragement and praise into J and my babes about who they are in Him.
Including those who don't feel includable in our family, through dinners and time and love.
Activating us to live missionaly and give up things and sin that are hindering our walk with Him.

So, I think that's a good start to developing these Themes.

Second, as it relates to mentoring. This is why I think when I read and understand a concept that is I believe a biblical understood.

(aka biblical understood= I think biblical understood is something that is assumed, godly women learn grow and are challenged by each other, its used to be a way of living when more than one set of families lived under the same roof. but always if without vision people perish, i think we need someone we are wanting to be like that is further down the road in a walk with Christ and is not just Heidi Clum...or the person offered to us when checking out groceries. so that's biblical understood- obviously needs to be another blog) So when I think something is a biblical understood and brings life, I want to bring everyone around the table and have them doing it and learning from each other about it. Thus, this blog..

But all that to say Second, I think it would be so wonderful if before entering into a mentoring relationship women had a good idea of what their strengths were and how they could build on those, perhaps substituting this with always coming up short or looking at another and thinking, well I can never be that. Perhaps not, perhaps that's the point.

So maybe we all could take the strengths finder test and this could be an important first step in finding your mentor woman or women to model after. Then we can know how we can best Theme Dress for this life lived better in submission to Him.

Here is a link to the signature themes/ descriptions and book to take the test.


  1. oh girl i love love love this.

    "your weaknesses can be improved on but never as much as your top God given strengths so you should spend more time on your strengths" this give me so much hope!

    thank you for this encouragement today. i'll let you know what my strengths are :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Woo, Communicating, Positively, Including, Activating. So beautiful, these strengths drew me to you and are continually being used by the Lord to challange and shape me more and more into his image. Thankful that you are my bride. That is a great word love. Looking forward to the next post.
